“Let nothing dim the light that shines from within” ― Maya Angelou

South Shore Guidance Center recognizes that every person experiences life’s ups and downs, as well as emotional and social difficulties. Navigating these challenges can be difficult. Individual and family circumstances can often play a major role in how a person copes with everyday situations. Our goal is to help each person to manage obstacles to healthy emotional growth and development as well to develop effective coping strategies.

South Shore Guidance Center is an outpatient Mental Health Clinic licensed by New York State’s Office of Mental Health. We have been serving children and families of Nassau County since 1955 and have earned the trust and confidence of the local community. The Center’s staff reflects our community’s multi-cultural landscape and provides bi-lingual counseling when needed.

South Shore Guidance Center is licensed and funded by the Nassau County Department of Mental Health, Chemical Dependency and Developmental Disabilities Services, the New York State Office of Mental Health and the New York State Office of Alcohol & Substance Abuse Services. We offer individual, group and family psychotherapy, adult and pediatric psychotherapy, home-based crisis intervention, school support services including psychotherapy at J.W. Dodd Middle School in Freeport, Roosevelt Middle School, and Uniondale High School, a mobile crisis team, chemical dependency education, counseling and psychiatry, medication assisted treatment, and a DWI offenders program.

Mission Statement

The mission of the South Shore Guidance Center is to provide comprehensive outpatient behavioral health services to individuals and families residing in Nassau County.


As 2024 EPIC Family Sponsors, MGD Consulting Inc and Skaggs-Walsh help to support 
the programs and services of the South Shore Guidance Center